<span>Nadia Stoffel</span>
<span>Front-end Developer, Product designer</span>
<p id="Professional Skills">
Front-end developer -> HTML, CSS/SCSS, Tailwind, SVG Animation with WAAPI (Javscript's native Web Animation API), Vanilla JS, Vue 3 (Nuxt 3)
Product Designer (UI/UX) -> Adobe libraries, XD for design system components, Illustrator for creating vector graphics
I like people too -> & enjoy collaborating to create new and exciting things!
<p id="Employment History">
2018 -> Present // Product Designer & Front-end Developer @ SiteZeus
- Design UI/UX for new web application features
- Redesign legacy features to match
- Prototype new features from designs in Vue JS for team and customer feedback
- Collaborate with web application team to build front-end features
- Maintain foundation styling and vue component library
- Protect brand standards across multiple departments and products
- Develop & maintain company marketing and support websites
- Coach junior developers on creative aspects of web design & development
2008 -> 2018 // Front-end Web Developer, Designer @ NadiaStoffel
- Design and build websites from concept to production
- Create graphics for print and other media
2011 -> 2017 // Web Developer, Designer @ DataComm
- Designed, built, maintained company and client websites
- Created graphics and print literature for company's marketing needs
2007 -> 2008 // Associate Developer @ Mercury New Media
- Built out company websites from designs using front-end web technologies
2003 -> 2007 // Web & Digital Marketing @ YourNetPlus
- Webmastered, designed for new products & services, maintained client web portals
<p id="Recent Work">
<p id="Ramblings from Afar">
<p id="Want to work together?">